9 months- Check

 - by Brittany

Today, Molly hit her 9 month milestone, and also happened to have her check-up. She started off by waking up at 7 am. Can’t blame her. She went to bed at like 7:30 and sleeps continuous now. We got up and got ready for her doctor appointment. I had made Ella’s 3 year appointment at the same time. First things first, we took a few pictures of Molly with her doll.

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As you can see, she is standing now. She pulls herself up to everything. She is not quite surfing yet, but has conquered using your pant legs to stand herself up next to you. Molly also loves to growl. Yesterday, she even clenched her fists and then yelled at us. She babbles “ma ma ma” all the time, but it is not associated yet. She is a Mama’s girl, though, and will find me throughout the house. Attachment stage has set in as well. She can use pincer grasp to eat her food, and will chow down a whole banana. She is out of her infant seat and into her rear facing car seat. It took Ella few days to acknowledge that the car seat was no longer hers. Molly loves to turn the xbox off while the other two are watching shows. I hear the “ding” and then the other two start yelling. Pretty funny.

Well we went to the doctor and found that Molly is 22 pounds 1 oz. She was 27.5 inches long. This puts her off the charts for height and in the 90th percentile for weight. Like, way off the chart. Here are the girls waiting for their check-ups.




Molly loves to be entertained by her siblings. One thing that threw us off today… As the doctor was examining Molly, her crease of her bum doesn’t quite line up. Kind of weird, but she said that could be a sign of hip dysplasia. She doesn’t have the clicking and popping like most children who have this. When she started to explain what it was in her gentle tone, I informed her one of my really good friends just went through the process, and I’m well aware of what it is. We were able to go take x-rays right after our appointment, so now we have to wait for the results. I’m not too concerned, because she doesn’t show any other symptom of it, but I definitely don’t want to deal with a positive result. A half body cast for 3 months does not sound fun. So we’ll see. For now, she is happy, healthy, and all over the place. The girl does not hold still!

(I’ll blog Ella’s update next. Promise! And maybe one day, I’ll catch up with everything else.)

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