
Recent projects

 - by Brittany

So, I told you about how I spent Monday running all over town getting supplies and other things done. Tuesday was a day to recover from Monday and get some things done around here. Or at least finish a few projects that have been in the works.

***Christina, these are for you for your birthday, so if you want it to be a surprise, look somewhere else. I haven’t mailed your box yet.***

I’ve needed some place to pin things, but didn’t just want to hang a cork board. I saw an idea online, not quite sure where, and made my own version. There is a place to put post-it notes for thing that immediately need attention.  On my sister’s, I put a place for a dinner menu with grocery list.

I saw the video for this here

I did a little variation. So I did the whole dry overnight, woke up Tuesday morning and started the rubbing process. I rubbed the picture 3 different times, and was still left with some white film of paper on the picture. I read through the comments on the video and someone mentioned rubbing the picture with vegetable oil. So when I got most of the paper off, I rubbed with oil, then immediately covered with Mod Podge. My boards I cut are about 10 in x 12 in, so they are a little bit bigger than the picture. That’s why I turned this picture so the board was horizontal. I cut out her name in vinyl and added some ribbon. Next time, I might try to stain the wood. I’m happy with how it turned out, though.

I really like the effect of seeing the wood grain through the picture.