Ribbit Ribbit

 - by Brittany

Saturday night (10-24) was our ward Trunk-or-Treat party. I bought Jameson an adorable gnome costume, since we’re so fond of gnomes around here (see previous post or the Free family blog). It would have been hilarious. Well, it was when Kevin put it on him. Jameson was crying, and his costume was tight and flooding. Luckily, I did have back-ups. Some one had given me some old costumes, and the frog luckily fit him. It even turned out better, because the costume was warm and had a hood.

They had a spot set up to take pictures of the kids. Jameson wasn’t too cooperative in staying still. He’ll say cheese, but he never looks at the camera when he says it. Here is our cute little frog saying cheese.


We needed to move our car to the other side where the trunk-or-treat would take place. Jameson’s new favorite game is stop and go. Luckily, Kevin plays with him all the time and anywhere.


Jameson got ready to go get candy, while Kevin set up our trunk. I love my pumkins my grandpa made. They’re easy to take with us, great decorations, and they don’t rot.

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At first, Jameson didn’t want to go up to the poeple. Then he found out he got candy. So he was willing to go up to the cars. That is, until we got to a scary trunk. Then he weighed his options, and decided it wasn’t worth it. I got him to a few more cars. He would go up and say, “Peez, sucker?” He did get a few suckers, but in the end he liked to pass out the candy with Dad more than retrieving it.

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We finished passing out our candy, then headed home. We were exhausted after a long day with Dad, and then the trunk-or-treat.

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