Private plus sickness

 - by Brittany

I have been thinking about our blog  a lot lately. I am going to start making most post private. I am just not comfortable with the whole world seeing our family anymore. Our blog will still be public, so it should show on your own blogs when we update, but individual post will be private. A lot of you are already on an email I send with the passwords to posts. If you would like to be added to this email, comment or email me and let me know. I will keep things such as young women, baby showers, etc. open so people can share ides, and I will get our blog up to date, hopefully soon.

A quick update on our December….

We were out of town the last 2 weeks of November, and returned home, December 2nd. While out of town, I was called as Young Women’s president. December 4th, I had my gall bladder removed.

December 7th-12th, we had fun visitors.

December 11th, I had my tonsils removed.

December 14th, Molly endured getting her first tooth.

December 17th, Ella went to the doctor, found out she had croup. They gave her a steroid so she never had too bad of symptoms. we caught it early.

by December 22nd, we took Jameson to the doctor. Found out he had an ear infection so he is on amoxicillin.

December 23rd, took Ella in because she was showing signs of an ear infection. She was clear, but old she had a really bad cold.

December 25th, canceled our dinner plans.

December 26th, took Ella back to the doctor. She now had an ear infection and beginning to get pneumonia in her left lungs. She is now on amoxicillin that has an added boost to it for her.

December 28th, took Molly in for her well child check up that was already scheduled, but she has started coughing as well. Turns out, she now has an ear infection and bronchitis. So she too, is on amoxicillin and a breathing treatment.

So, between my surgeries and the kids being sick, I think we have lived at doctor’s offices for the month of December. Which, is partly why my blogging has been lacking. Hopefully, I can catch back up. Here’s to no one being sick by 2013!


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