Thursday Morning Update

 - by Kevin

Overnight, Ella’s stats looked really good so the doctor decided to extubate her. When they did that, it appears that they dislodged some mucus in her lungs that sealed her airway and prevented her from breathing. At the same time, her heart rate sharply dropped and the doctor began chest compressions. They quickly re-intubated her which allowed her to breathe normally again and all of her vitals went back to normal, thankfully.

The plan now is that she will stay on the ventilator for now and we’ll wait for her to settle for 24 hours before starting her on steroids to ensure that any swelling that may be in her throat is gone when they reattempt the extubation in about 48 hours.

Currently, her stats are looking really good and she’s resting easy. We’ll update this blog as time progresses.

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