Wednesday update

 - by Brittany

Our baby girl is doing much better tonight. They had to give her a little morphine, because she woke up mad about the tubes. She tried to yank them out herself, so she now has to wear a mitten. Her vitals are where they should be, and her O2 is down to 21% (normal). As long as she stays steady overnight, they will take her breathing tube out tomorrow. Hopefully, she won’t need any further assistance, and they can start feeding her milk to see how she does. The x-rays have been clean, and there hasn’t been any more air in her chest cavity. They will do another x-ray in the morning to be sure.

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Jameson still only cares about seeing Nemo. On the way to the hospital tonight we asked him who he was going to see. Jameson said it in this order…

1. Nemo

2. Dori

3. Dad Nemo

4. Baby sister

We see where she ranks to him.

The nurses made a sign for Ella’s door. (All the babies in the NICU have their own rooms, and places for the parents to sleep.)


(“Welcome to the world Ella”)

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