Mom’s help

 - by Brittany

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The first week we had Jameson at home, Mom came over to help. It was nice to be able to sleep for more than 3 hours at a time and have someone else around the house. So THANKS MOM for all your help last week. This week has been a little tougher having to get up myself and trying to let Kevin get as much sleep as he can… he’s on weekend duty though!

Last week we also did some Christmas shopping. Saturday Kevin went over to his dad’s shop to work on our car, which was fine cause he said he’d be back before we left to go shopping. Well he wasn’t which wasn’t a big deal except he had the stroller in the car. Wonderful! So we busted out the Snugli and off we went to the mall. It actually wasn’t that bad except he started to get heavy. I don’t know how I carried him inside… no wonders my back hurt and breathing was difficult. Mom snapped a picture because I was resting him on the counter. He’s still a little small so his face was kind of in the netting on the inside and all you could see were his little legs. We made it though, not without a bunch of people asking me to see him first. Which is kind of difficult when they’re strapped to you. And… People kept asking me if he was a month old! I was like, no, a week! Does he look that big?

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