Oh Ella!

 - by Brittany

Remember how I said we were stuck at home for a few days while Kevin took the car to work? Ella kept herself busy.


I heard her say “uh oh, Mom.” I only gave her a cheese and cracker snack pack. How the heck did she get that much cheese in her hair?

Then, the next day, I was partially passed out on the couch. I’ll admit it. Ella had been quiet, so I asked Jameson to see what Ella was doing. I know. Mother of the year. The next thing I hear is Jameson yell, “No Ella! That’s too much food!” What the heck? I jump off the couch and turn the corner to find this…


She dumped a brand new bottle of fish food into the tank. Great. I should be grateful that all the food went into the tank and not all over the floor, but honestly, the floor would be easier to clean. We ended up having to through the rocks out, because we couldn’t get the food out of it. We’re on our third time cleaning the tank. Oh, I love her, I love her, I love her.

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