
 - by Brittany

Jameson may have inherited a little quality of mine called O.C.D. It’s not bad, but i do have some issues sometimes. Apparently, so does Jameson. I have these blocks that are supposed to read “Live, Laugh, Love.” We’ve all heard the saying right? Well, if they are in that order, their heights vary. I’ve gotten yelled at quite a few times lately since putting them back up after the Christmas decorations came down. They lasted in the correct order (my order) for less than 24 hours. I heard Jameson yell, “Mom, that’s not the right order! They go bigger, big, small.” And that’s the order he puts them in every time.


I snapped this picture on my phone as he was yelling at me. The next day, Kevin had rearranged them to the correct order according to us. Yah, you guessed it. I was in the other room and got yelled at again. It wasn’t even my fault this time. So, if you ever come over and wonder why I like my blocks to say ,”Laugh, Love, Live,” it’s because my 4-year-old needs them from biggest to big and then to small.

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