A Day in the Life of Jameson

 - by Kevin

So, it’s been a hectic day filled with physicians, emotions and lessons learned. I am pleased to report that Jameson is doing great and Brittany is as well. Despite an Epidural, labor remained difficult but ended well. Brittany is well medicated and is really excited to be a mother. With a bachelors in human development and family studies, she’s well prepared. I’m fortunate to be married to such a loving mother.

Jameson is a very calm and sleepy baby who is not easily awakened, even to feed. We watch the clock closely knowing that he’s not going to tell us when he needs to eat and that we will likely have to aggitate him (he really does not like to have his feet tickled) for nearly 10 minutes before he is adequately alert. He has eaten much more today than he did yesterday, including an hour session before the pediatrician took him away observe the Abrahamic Covenant (Ouch!).

Today I relearned a lesson first taught to me by my father when we would go rifle shooting; muzzle control. I was changing Jameson’s diaper when he began peeing on me. Guess that didn’t take long. from here on out, I’m on guard. I know that there will be many more lessons to come and I am excited to learn them.

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