
 - by Brittany

(May 6th)

Friday morning, we got up and going early. They finally poured the cement we were supposed to put the kids hand prints in. We got out there just after 9 am. A victory in my book. Then we had the challenge of putting the kids hands and feet in something that would stick and harden on them. Let me explain something. Jameson won’t walk outside without shoes and socks on. I’m kind of ocd with him on that, and it’s rubbed off on him. Their hands are always wiped off after eating, or playing in the dirt. So they don’t really stay dirty that long. (I don’t care that they get dirty. Just don’t get everything else dirty.) Anyway, I basically had to force each of my kids hands and feet into the cement. We even had to have them smooth it back out and redo Ella’s hands. So much fun. Cleaning them off was even better. Ella was so upset, she threw up. After that, she started on a fever so I think there was a combination of things going on. It was super fun.

We made it to the park to visit our friends by 11. After some time soaking in the Vitamin D, we headed back to our temporary home. Ella was in desperate need of a nap and some medicine. After some much needed naps, we met up with some family for dinner. It gave us a chance to spend time with the Greiners (Kevin’s Aunt and Uncle) since we never get to see them.

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