December is month 9

 - by Brittany

How is it that the 9 months leading up to a birth take an incredibly long time, but the 9 months after fly by? Ella has hit the 9 month mark.

We absolutely adore this girl. Every night Kevin walks in from work, and says, “Why is she so cute? How’d we get so lucky with suck cute kids?” I have to agree, except I will add that they have pretty cool parents. Want to see more of her cuteness? Or how her belly hangs over her pants?

In the last month, this girl has developed so many skills. She now surfs along the couch, and other furniture. Pulls herself up to everything, including using your pants to pull herself up while you’re cooking. She loves to climb. She is a difficult child to hold, because she will “climb” your body. She has gotten really fast at crawling, and tries to get to wherever Jameson is. She is starting to feed herself, and eat soft solid foods. Ella loves to sing along in church, and gets so excited when the organ starts. Jameson loves his sister now, and shows it. Yesterday, he stole 2 oreos from the cupboard. Ella was playing in his room. I went in to find her, called her name, and when she turned around I got a surprise. There was oreo everywhere! When I asked Jameson if he shared his cookies, he proudly responded, “Yes! I share with baby sister!” Lately, I have been finding numerous different kinds of food that she’s eating, that Jameson “shared” with her. Today, she found stairs, and didn’t hesitate to climb them. I also caught her just before she fell backward. Good thing our house has no stairs.

She is starting to talk. Nothing that sounds like words, but she is putting together sounds. “Ba ba ba, or da da da” are common around here. Every morning she wakes up and shakes her crib so it squeaks and you know she’s awake. As soon as you go in, she grabs hold of you and won’t let go till she is out of the crib. If Jameson is up, he will jump in her crib and entertain her for a few minutes before I get in there. She wears size 12 month clothing now, and will have her check up on the 15th. So I’ll have her stats, then. She is also starting to let go, which means she is standing!

I got this quick snap before she fell. She can only stand for a few seconds, but it’s a start. She just wants to walk and keep up with Jameson.

And, a photo can never be taken without Jameson. He had to jump in the pictures, and showed us his “silly faces.”

So there is a wrap up of where our little girl is at. She is moving out of the infant stage and into the toddler stage. I don’t know if I’m ready for that.

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