What comes next?

 - by Brittany


Last Thursday, November 18th, I gave Jameson a small party. I am in charge of our playgroup, so I thought, “Why not?” Instead of our regular playgroup at the church, we had it at our house, and did a small party. There were no gifts or invitations. The kids just got a surprise when they showed up of being at a party. They patiently observed the piñata.

They all got turns pulling the strings to release the candy. I had Jameson help me stuff it, so he would know what was inside and be excited for it to come out. There were small crowns and sheriff badges. Along with disc shooters and Halloween candy. Best way to get rid of all that Halloween candy your kids got. Just stuff it in a piñata and give it to everyone else to take home. 🙂 It worked out great. They each got to pull a few ribbons, and it wasn’t until the last ribbons were pulled that the bottom opened. (By the way, this type of piñata is one of the best inventions ever.)

Once the candy came out, everyone was ready to decorate their cakes. I made little dinosaur cakes for everyone and let them frost them and decorate them. A couple of them ended up with a whole bottle of sprinkles on theirs, or a whole tube of frosting. That’s the way I do it. Fill them full of sugar, and send them home.

I also made some little cupcakes for us adults to eat. They had a surprise caramel kiss in them, making them delicious.  (You can see one of the dinosaur cakes at the top of the picture.) Now before you think I went all out, just know this: I have a cake pan that makes 8 dinosaurs at a time. Then I used the left over batter for cupcakes. Not too much work at all.

The only work was that my oven has been out of commission for a week, because we have a bad breaker that needs to be replaced. So I had to go borrow a friend’s oven. It worked out, though, because then we got to chat while they baked.

We will have cake and presents on Thanksgiving for him. He doesn’t know that neither of these celebrations are actually on his birthday, nor does he care.

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