Buzz on the run

 - by Brittany

Friday, we had decided to go trick-or-treating with some friends at the Microsoft game studios. We were supposed to meet them at 3. I started to get Jameson into his costume, and he freaked out. I mean tantrum on the floor. So I held him as best I could, dressed him, and strapped him in his carseat as fast as I could. I even had to cinch it down extra tight. As he was kicking and screaming, Josh offered to stay home with him. Normally, that would have been great, but Jameson had no idea what he was missing, therefore, it would be a reward for him to stay home. Instead, he cried almost the whole way there. As soon as he saw his friends in costumes, he calmed down a little. Then, once he saw the point of dressing up, he was all for it. He even let me put his arms back in and the hood on. We entered the building, and the older kids ran from office to office getting candy. I didn’t realize my flash was not on, so all my pictures are blurry.

He was so excited, and now is willing to put on his costume whenever I ask. I made sure if the employee was in their office he earned his candy. He would go into the office and tell them, “To infinity and beyond!” Or, he would tell them, “I’m Buzz Lightyear. I come in peace.” Followed by a, “Thay-do” (Thank you). One guy told us that was the best thing all day. (He got the second phrase.) I had to tell most of them what he was saying. Not only did he have his costume on, he had his Buzz shoes on that light up, and say both those phrases. When did shoes start talking? I have no idea, but we own a pair that do.

After the first building, we had to empty the kids buckets, and start fresh for the second building. We ended up with 4 full buckets of candy. Steph was gracious enough to hall the candy in her purse. I had to carry the 20 lb. lion cub. Josh was interested in all the offices, and different things around the offices. Honestly, I did not buy a single bag of candy this year.Whenever we passed out candy, we used the candy the kids got, and I still have a full bowl.

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