Fairy? No, Ferry.

 - by Brittany

(September 6th)

We haven’t taken any of the ferries since moving here, so Labor Day we decided to go on an adventure. We met up with our friends and headed to Seattle to catch the ferry to Bainbridge Island. None of us had been, so we thought we’d check it out. Well, we didn’t think we would make the ferry, so we took our time since the next ferry didn’t leave for another hour. Turns out we pulled up, and they hurried us onto the boat. We were the last car on which meant our 3rd car in the caravan, who was only 1 minute behind, got stuck. We thought they would make it, but turns out, they didn’t. We told them to leave their car and jump :), but instead they stayed behind and waited. We said good-bye to Seattle for the day.

Jameson loved watching the boats in the Sound.

We went out on the deck at the front of the boat. Not the best idea. It’s really, really windy. I didn’t realize the ferry was going that fast till I was getting wind blown. We took our pictures, and then we ran back inside.

We found a restaurant to eat lunch at, overlooking the sailboats. They looked at us like we were crazy when we said 4 adults, 3 children, and 2 babies. We ended up having to eat on the patio, which would have been fine, but it was cold. They really only had like 8 tables inside. I think we should have waited for one of those. Really, they probably just didn’t want us inside with all the kids.

I love this picture. Brittany was trying to take a good picture, but the girls were saying they were hungry, and Dan was imitating them. Nice family photo, I think. A TRUE family photo.

Random… a giant vase you could take a picture in.

We got our lunch, met up with all our friends, and went to look at the shops. We played in toy stores, and ate delicious ice cream. Then we headed back home. On the ferry ride back, Jameson was actually playing with Ella. She thinks he is hilarious.

Later that night, Jameson was building blocks. He had to show us his big, big tower he built all by himself.

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