For Aunt Valerie

 - by Brittany

(June 23rd)

My aunt sent Ella an adorable outfit and headband when she was born. It was a 3-6 month outfit, so she finally fits it. I had to take a picture to show her.

See Jameson’s hand? This was the start of a new boy. He was actually trying to be nice and make her laugh. Up to this point, he hasn’t been too fond of her. He only acknowledges her if someone else is giving her attention. Then he yells, “No, that’s my baby sister.” He also wanted his picture taken since baby sister got hers taken.

This next picture portrays their personalities. Jameson wants your full attention, oblivious to his little sister. Ella thinks he is hilarious and is content to watch him.

I love these two, and thanks Aunt Valerie for the cute outfit.

By the way, she makes those headbands, so if you’re in need of a really cute accessory in a certain color, let me know. I can pass the word along and she can make them to fit your baby’s needs. And I mean needs not wants, because we all need headbands to match every outfit. (She also makes them for adults, too.)

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