
 - by Brittany

Our playgroup decided to have an Easter Egg hunt (on 4.1.2010) since our wards decided to focus on the true meaning of Easter. This was the first egg hunt Jameson has participated in. He had seen me stuff our eggs, so he knew there was good stuff inside. We took the smaller kids in the room first (it was raining outside). Jameson was a little hesitant at first, but soon went at it. They were only supposed to find 10 eggs. We ended up re-hiding about 10 eggs for the others.

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(Jameson was very determined to find all the eggs.)

He was all about the candy afterward.

dsc01595-large.JPG and then figured out there was chalk on the chalkboard. dsc01596-large.JPG

When Dad got home, Jameson showed him all his chocolate candies.

Later that night, while Jameson and Kevin were playing, there was a slight mishap. Let’s just say socks + wood floors + running = not good.

Jameson ended up going head first into the tv stand. He ended up with a black eye, and a sore on his hand. It ended up being nothing a Popsicle could’t cure. It did look awful, though, and it was no April fools.

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April 2… day two of his eye.


Side note…. Also on April 1st, Nikki went to go on a trial run with another family. We have been talking about how with 2 kids, a house full of stairs which are wood and Nikki won’t go down, getting ready to move, being in rentals, etc. maybe now is not the best time to have a dog. I had mentioned this to a friend in the ward, and she mentioned she would like to try to take Nikki and see how it would go with her family. Well, so far, Nikki is still with their family. It has been different. The first few days, Jameson would call for Nikki and ask where she was. Now, he doesn’t care, and I have to admit, it has been nice not having to hike the stairs first thing every morning and the last thing every night. We miss her, but she is with a good family and hopefully things work out.

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