Well hello officers

 - by Brittany

Monday we were at the park, enjoying the sun. That’s right, the sun! I’ve actually had a shadow most of the week. You forget that you really do enjoy seeing your shadow once in a while. So we headed to the park in the nice weather. Our lap at the park goes something like this…

Run down to the water and splash in all the puddles on the way, find and feed the ducks, cross the bridge and check out the water, take a walk out to the end of the dock, head up to the playground and check out the slides. Once we completed our lap, we were playing on the slides. I put snowpants on Jameson this time, because the slides are usually wet and then he gets soaked. We always end up leaving the park, because Jameson is soaked. Well the slides were mostly dry, so the pants and boots were probably a little overboard this time, but oh well. He flew down the slides and loved every minute of it. He even showed up a 4 year old who was scared to go down by himself. While we were playing, a cop showed up on his motorcyle. Pretty sure you’re not suppose to drive on those paths, but oh well. I guess he has authority.

Then a little bit later, more motorcylce cops, unmarked cars, and marked police cars showed up. Jameson was pointing and making police siren noises. After they all parked, one cop walked over to us. Kind of jokingly (or maybe not) I said maybe it was time for us to go. The cop got out a sticker for Jameson, and told him he left the motorcycle on so Jameson could see the lights. He explained they were all there for a photo shoot. It was all very exciting.

jameson-and-cops-12-01-09.JPG  cops-12-01-09.JPG

I wasn’t sure if I was supposed to take pictures of them. I mean they were taking pictures of themselves, but I wasn’t sure if I was allowed to, also. So I snuck a few.  Go figure it was the one time I don’t take my camera with me, and I needed it. All I got was phone pictures.

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