
 - by Brittany

Sunday morning Jameson woke up earlier than normal. I got up with him, got him his cereal, turned on some shows, and fell asleep on the couch. I can only get about 4 hours a night before I wake up tossing and turning. I’m sure Kevin loves it. Well, when Kevin came down this is what he found.

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Let me describe these pictures for you. That is “The Jungle Book” on the t.v., a mess all over the floor, pizza in his hand, and a pizza box on his table.

Yes, my child got the pizza from the previous night out of the fridge, and chowed down all morning. He got all his toys out, and stood as close as he could to the monkeys on tv. Yes, Mother of the Year right here. But hey, Father of the Year was upstairs catching up on well deserved sleep after a busy week. So what do you do? The pizza did have pineapple on it, so I guess he did get some fruit for breakfast. Right? I love this child.

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