How do they know?

 - by Brittany

take-my-hand.jpg (Picture taken from

The other night, Jameson was sitting on the counter while I was making dinner. I have a Greg Olsen calendar hanging on the wall . I have to admit, I’m not very consistent with him about teaching him about Jesus. At church, we look at the pictures on the walls, but most of my pictures are packed, so other than the calendar I have no church pictures up. Anyways, as I’m cooking, Jameson gets into the candy jar. As I’m getting mad at him for eating candy corn, he looks up and points. “Mom! There’s Jesus!”

I had to stop and turn around remembering the calendar. This month’s picture is not one that he’s seen anywhere else. I was shocked. He knew who was in the picture, and I have never told him. It’s only been up 10 days. So thank you to his nursery teachers. I will try to be better about teaching my child the stories that go with the pictures.

(The picture above is on my wish list to get for Jameson’s room. It is not the one he saw on the calendar. He is constatnly asking us to hold his hand as he goes down the stairs or walking down the street. Mostly so he can swing from our arms, but I’ll take it. He runs up to us, or will stop at the top of the stairs and yell, “Mom! My hand.” So I thought this picture will only be appropriate for his room.)

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