H-A-double L-O, W-double E-N spells Halloween

 - by Brittany

We used to sing this song every Halloween in music in Elementary school. To this day it still gets stuck in my head. I don’t know if there are any other words either.

Saturday morning, I had high hopes. We had bought a pumpkin to carve this year with Jameson. I was really looking forward to seeing his reaction to the guts of the pumpkin. I had set the pumkin in the corner on the first floor, and it had sat there for the less than two weeks. I went down to get it, picked it up, and only half the pumpkin came with me.

How gross!

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How is it that the only carpet down stairs got pumpkin guts all over it. It’s only about a 3’x4′ square of carpet. So that was the end of that. (Note to self, humidity does not help keep your pumpkins longer.) I had to go to the grocery store later, so I though I might pick up another pumpkin and try again. Well Jameson was a pain at the grocery store, and I didn’t remember the pumpkin till I was already in the check out line. So no pumpkin carving here this year.

I wanted to take Jameson trick-or-treating, but it was raining on Saturday. Mostly it would give us something to do. Jameson does not do well when his dad is gone, and especially when there are no other males around to keep him company. I decided to take him to the mall by us and participate in the trick-or-treat there.

He started out fine, but then got trampled by a few bigger kids, and wasn’t so sure about it anymore. If there were too many kids, he would rather pass on the candy than work for it. I tried to get him to say “trick-or-treat” but moslty he just would walk up and say “Peez?” Once he got some candy, my cute little frog would reply, “Dane-do.” There is a library that’s part of the mall, and they passed out books. Jameson looked at his book all night. Even the food court passed out candy.

I also found where the senior citizens go for Halloween. They go to the food court at the mall. There were tables of older ladies, laughing and fussing over the kids in their Halloween costumes. Jameson got a few smiles from them, too.

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Anytime Jameson got to pick his own candy, he would pick out the suckers. He even picked out a piece of candy once, saw they had suckers, put his piece back, and grabbed the sucker instead. Crazy kid.

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The mall was packed, but still fun I think. Jameson made out with like 15 pieces of candy. A lot of work for a little candy, but oh well. He’s excited, because he got a few suckers.

We got home, and I tried to get a good picture of him in his costume. This is as good as it’s gonna get.

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Luckily, we didn’t have any kids come by. I didn’t think we would, but I did have some candy left from our trunk-or-treat just in case. I was just not looking forward to climbing up and down stairs all night. I never did hear a knock, though, so I got to relax.

Hope everyone had a good Halloween.

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