
Easter Eggs

 - by Brittany

Sunday morning (April 4th), we got up and went to our friends to have breakfast and watched conference. We had a delicious breakfast buffet with fruit, bacon, sausage, stuffed french toast, and some hash browns. (Does anyone know how to effectively cook hashbrowns?) Anyway, we had a good time, and did get to hear a few talks. Before the second session started, we came home and put the kids to bed. We’ve been having a friend of mine from high school over on Sundays for dinner. So after conference I got dinner together, and we picked up Eddie. After dinner, the boys enjoyed dying some Easter eggs.

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Jameson thoroughly enjoyed dying the eggs. Kevin tried to keep the eggs one color, but when Jameson ran out of white eggs, he started re-dipping his colored ones. I should have bought extra kits so we could dye eggs year round. It kept Jameson entertained for a good hour. Hopefully Eddie enjoyed the entertainment that night. He never knows what’s going to happen at our house with a two year old.

Planes, trains, and… nope. Just planes!

 - by Brittany

The first weekend in April (the 3rd) we decided to check out the Boeing Museum of Flight. (We recorded General Conference to watch later that evening.) It took us a while to find, since the GPS had us end up at some crazy place. We were in some back entrance that only authorized vehicles were supposed to be. Oops. We figured it out, though, and ventured in.

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This place is huge. You don’t realize it, till you start realizing how big the planes are and how many they have in this room. We got there and Jameson hadn’t had a full nap so the first little while he was pretty grouchy. He loved looking at the planes, he just wouldn’t take any pictures.

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(The first picture is of a Russian flight  suit.)

Jameson showed me what was on the F4 Phantom…

Checking out the SR71 Blackbird

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Ella took me on a quick ride. Then decided to go off on her own.

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They also had a kids area, which we should have just taken Jameson to in the beginning. He loved it. He got to see how to control a plane and fly a hot air balloon…

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Jameson took me on a helicopter ride, and I was a little frightened.

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(Yes, Jameson still has a black eye, but it’s getting better.)

Then we headed up to air traffic control. Jameson made sure the patterns looked good, and also checked on the trains going by.

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Jameson made one last stop in space before it was time to go see some other planes.


We then headed into the WWII area with the serious planes.

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Before we could leave, Ella needed to eat. So we headed back to the children’s area to keep Jameson occupied for the time being.

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And don’t you love how everyone wants to give you advice or tell you what to do with your children. While I was changing Ella in the bathroom, a lady decided to give her two cents. As I was changing Ella’s clothes, because she decided to get it everywhere, the lady asked if she was breastfed. I told her yes, and then she decided to tell me how I need to keep it up till she’s two, because that’s what’s best for her. I just smiled, but as I had a screaming naked baby I was trying to clean up, I was thinking, “Really?” Was she really going to lecture me in the bathroom while my child is screaming, and she’s waiting to use the bathroom. Not the time or place. Thanks, though.

Anyway. We had a good time at the museum, and might have to take advantage of their free nights the first Thursday of every month.

Later that night, the Easter Bunny stopped by and left some treats for Jameson and Ella. I won’t lie, Ella’s basket was more for mom and dad.

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 - by Brittany

Our playgroup decided to have an Easter Egg hunt (on 4.1.2010) since our wards decided to focus on the true meaning of Easter. This was the first egg hunt Jameson has participated in. He had seen me stuff our eggs, so he knew there was good stuff inside. We took the smaller kids in the room first (it was raining outside). Jameson was a little hesitant at first, but soon went at it. They were only supposed to find 10 eggs. We ended up re-hiding about 10 eggs for the others.

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(Jameson was very determined to find all the eggs.)

He was all about the candy afterward.

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When Dad got home, Jameson showed him all his chocolate candies.

Later that night, while Jameson and Kevin were playing, there was a slight mishap. Let’s just say socks + wood floors + running = not good.

Jameson ended up going head first into the tv stand. He ended up with a black eye, and a sore on his hand. It ended up being nothing a Popsicle could’t cure. It did look awful, though, and it was no April fools.

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April 2… day two of his eye.


Side note…. Also on April 1st, Nikki went to go on a trial run with another family. We have been talking about how with 2 kids, a house full of stairs which are wood and Nikki won’t go down, getting ready to move, being in rentals, etc. maybe now is not the best time to have a dog. I had mentioned this to a friend in the ward, and she mentioned she would like to try to take Nikki and see how it would go with her family. Well, so far, Nikki is still with their family. It has been different. The first few days, Jameson would call for Nikki and ask where she was. Now, he doesn’t care, and I have to admit, it has been nice not having to hike the stairs first thing every morning and the last thing every night. We miss her, but she is with a good family and hopefully things work out.

Roses are blooming

 - by Brittany

Kevin has had some job changes lately. After going in for an interview, he came home with these…


It turned out to be a great interview, and my knight in shining armor appeared.


He may have to bring roses home more often.

It’s the ocean… sort of.

 - by Brittany

On March 27th, we headed out to check out some of the surrounding areas. We ended up at Mulkiteo State Park. It borders between the Puget Sound and the Possession Sound, so technically, it is ocean water. Jameson was so excited to see the ocean. They watched the barge ships and ferries…

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He and Kevin spent time throwing rocks into the water. They also collected clam shells. Jameson insisted on bringing all his clam shells home in his pockets.

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While Jameson and I played on the playground, this was my view…


There’s nothing more attractive than a grown man cradling a pink blanket. I adore him.

4 weeks

 - by Brittany

Today Ella is 4 weeks old. It doesn’t seem like it at all. Maybe because she has only been home a week and a half. She is starting to hold her head up on her own. She is also on a pretty good 3 hour schedule. Jameson gets to share his room with her. It is actually working out. He sleeps through her 3 am crying, but when she wakes up between 6 and 7 am, so does he. This part isn’t so fun. Normally he sleeps till 8 or so. This means that when I get her fed and back to sleep he comes out of his room and tells me, “Mom, I wake up!” Wonderful. Some days I do get naps which is nice. It hasn’t been too rough, though. And if I do say so myself, she is one cute girl!


Flying high

 - by Brittany

In order to kill some time and energy Wednesday, we headed to the park after dinner. We took Jameson’s planes his Papa Brazell bought him way back in November. We’re just now getting the planes out, because of the weather, and he had so many other new toys to play with. Our “tree” is starting to bud. Here’s what it looks like now.

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Jameson loves his dad, and had a blast flying planes. The little one wasn’t flying so well since there was a light breeze.

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So they busted out the bigger plane. It has a rubber band that twist to turn the propeller. Jameson thought the plane would fly this far…

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They found that flying it on the cement worked better.

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Ella hung out in her snugli while we watched to boys fly airplanes. She also wore her cute fleece bunting coat (is that what they’re called?) from Grammy Brazell.


We have had some really nice days lately. Spring is definitely in the air here. The trees have been gorgeous. It looks like there’s snow on the ground, but really it’s the peddles from the blossoms on the trees.

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And for your viewing pleasure…

First check up

 - by Brittany

Monday, the 22nd, Ella had her first check up with her pediatrician. She was measured at 20 in. so according to that measurement she shrunk. The nurse didn’t fully stretch her out, though. I was watching. She weighs 7lbs 12 oz. which put her in the 50%. It also means, she has gained an ounce a day since she’s been home. I don’t remember what her head measured exactly, but it was in the 16-25%. My kids have small heads… what can I say? When we got home, Ella gave mom a run for her money during a changing session, so we decided it was time for a bath. Ella did not agree.


Jameson went and got his chair so he could watch. He’s been helpful in trying to give Ella her binki when she cries. Other than that, he pretty much leaves her alone. He loves when she’s awake, though. He’ll yell, “Mom, she’s awake.”


After her bath, it was time for a nap.


We were sad to have to take Mom to the airport. We had a great time while she was here, and my house has never stayed so clean for so long. She got to witness my cursed wood floors. (They never stay clean. Dirt and dust always appear before I can even put the vacuum and broom away.) She also got to share in the joy of all our stairs. My mom thinks they’re the reason I went into labor early. Probably true. Anyway, thanks for coming mom, and thanks for all your help. We truly appreciated it.


Church Debut

 - by Brittany

Sunday was Ella’s first time at church. I got to dress her up in her best. It was actually rainy and cold, so her boots seemed appropriate. Also, they might not fit in another week, so she has to wear them while she can. Kevin thought they were ridiculous, but isn’t the concept of shoes on a baby ridiculous? I mean, really. They don’t walk, and their feet never touch the ground. All shoes are good for are to keep their socks on. They’re not the best pictures, but deal with it.

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We survived with two kids at church. It also helped, I had my mom there with us. Of course, Ella decided she was hungry on our way to church, so I went straight to the mother’s lounge. As we were walking to Relief Society, our bishop stopped to say how cute she was. I could see it in his face, so I asked if he wanted to hold her. He immediately said yes, and had her out of my arms. I told him she might get hungry and to come find me if she got fussy. I walked into RS, and the ladies asked where the baby was.I told them the bishop had her, and they said they couldn’t argue that one. 🙂

He brought her back with about 20 minutes left, because he had a meeting and didn’t want to chance her waking up. After church I asked Kevin if he saw the bishop with Ella in Priesthood. He looked at me and asked, “That’s whose baby he had? Man, I must look like a bad father.” He said he saw the bishop walk in and was trying to figure out whose baby he had, but after a minute turned back to the lesson and didn’t think about it again. I was laughing. Needless to say, she will be getting tons of attention at church. There aren’t too many babies in our ward, and there are tons of willing arms for those babies.

After church, my mom, Ella, and I went to visit my aunt and uncle. We had a nice visit with them, and they were able to see Ella for the first time. My aunt bought her the cutest little outfit and blanket which she’s wrapped in right now. On the way home, I drove Mom by the temple. The gates were closed, though, so we didn’t get out. The small gate you can walk through was open, but it was raining.


After a long day, and a few long nights, I fell asleep on the couch. Ella and I had a nice long nap. I never even realized Nikki joined us till I saw these pictures.
