Month: February 2011

Quick decisions

 - by Brittany

I was looking at plane tickets, and came across some great deals. So, I booked some flights and made plans to head to Sacramento then Reno, and back. I didn’t have any trips on the calendar, but I could not pass up the flights and I needed some sunshine. So we packed up and headed to Sac first. I decided against bringing a stroller through the airport and just packed Ella. I’m not sure what is worse. The stroller, or Ella hating being strapped in. Jameson is just getting easier on flights. I was a little nervous since we are still in the potty training preliminary rounds. Not quite a pro yet. Jameson did fine on the flight, but I checked Ella’s carseat, so that was not fun. She did not hold still. The flight attendant even came and held her for me for a bit, but we made it.

My mom picked us up, and both kids fell asleep. As soon as we got home, Jameson heard Madison’s voice, and woke immediately. There was no sleeping for this kid with aunts to play with. Shelby even got a running hug. Maybe it’s cause she helps him with his sticker books.

(Photos are not good since they were taken on the ipod)

We spent a few days at Mom’s, and then headed to Reno for the weekend. After a quick trip to the DMV to get some things settled, we headed to our friend’s house. As we left the DMV, Jameson announced to everyone there, “I’m going to see my friends!”

His friends have gotten so big. Jameson was in heaven. Most of his friends here in WA are girls, so some boy time was much needed. There were no princess shoes to try on (which Jameson really loves to wear) and only trains, legos, and a really cool claw that he could pick things up with. Ella didn’t mind all the boys.

(There are no pictures of the other boys since they never sat still and played in the other room.)

Kevin’s sister graciously took us in for the weekend. Jameson and Ella loved the dogs… a little too much. I think Ella tried to eat the dog a few times. Likewise, the dog liked liking the food residue from Ella’s mouth. So gross, and she loved it. We had to keep an eye on those two.

We celebrated a birthday on Saturday, and then Jameson left with his Grammy to the farm for the night. I hear he fell asleep in the car on the way, and slept till the next morning. Once he woke up he quietly woke his Grammy, and then sat and had a morning chit-chat in bed for a good 20 minutes. Why can’t I get a wake up like that at home?

Ella and I attended church Sunday, and then headed down to the farm with Jameson and Grammy. There were brand new baby lambs that had been orphaned by their mother. So they were in a crate in the house. Jameson got to help bottle feed them, and Ella loved that they licked her fingers. They were actually trying to suck her fingers for some food, and she just sat and laughed. So, so unsanitary. Aunt Brittney was so helpful, showing the kids the baby lambs. I do believe she complained about having to get up every 2 hours to feed them the night before, and that they pooped and peed everywhere. Hmmm. Sound familiar anyone? At least she didn’t have to deal with spit up.

After dinner, Jameson and Ella got some quality time with Papa. They played and rolled around and were worn out, so by the time I headed back to our sleeping quaters, I had quiet, sleepy kids in the car.

Monday, we got up and met lots of friends at the park. It was a gorgeous day, and we soaked up all the vitamin D we could. Ella wasn’t quite sure what to do with the sunshine. After the kids were good and worn out, we got some U-Swirl to cool down. The boys loved their frozen yogurt.

After frozen yogurt we headed to Carson City. We got to see Paka and Aunt Sharon along with a bonus visit from cousin Jase. Paka (Grandpa McCulley) got out his old remote control fire truck. After rounding up batteries, which included a trip to the store, the ladder started raising to the ceiling. The lights and siren were going, and Ella was trying to get the lights. After a time, we headed over to Costco to visit Bepe (prounounced Beh-pa and also refers to Grandma McCulley) who works there one of the sweet ladies who gives taste tests. We found her stand, and were there about 5 minutes, when she got to go on break. Perfect timing. We spent the break with her, and then packed up. Jase followed me to the gas station, so he could sit with the kids in the car while I got some snacks and stuff inside. Then we headed back to Sac.

What a nightmare. I thought taking the 50 would be a better option than I-80 considering it was the last day of a holiday weekend, and I was already in Carson. Wrong. A boulder had fallen on the highway, so only one lane was open to get around it. It added an extra hour to our trip. After 4 hours, we made it back to Mom’s.

Tuesday and Wednesday we lounged around, recovering from our busy weekend. Then Thursday, we headed to lunch with Mom and Grandma Gordon. After, we took Jameson to his first movie. Well, technically his second. (Kevin and I took him to a movie not long after we moved to Washington, but after the first 5 minutes, Kevin had to take him out.) This time, we had success. My mom bought him some popcorn for his first time. I got Ella to sleep in the back of the theater, and she slept in her chair the rest of the movie. It was so much fun to watch him. He told Dad on the phone, he went to “The BIG movie.” We saw Rapunzel, which was really cute. Good job on that one Disney.

After the movie, I finished packing our bags, and Mom dropped us off at the airport. Madison’s job was to keep Jameson awake on the way to the airport so he would sleep on the plane. She failed. They don’t realize that it takes 10 seconds. He’s awake, talking, and eating, and then he’s out. We made it through the airport, and boarded. This time, I took Ella’s carseat on the plane. After 15 minutes, I strapped her in and let her cry for a few minutes before falling asleep. Jameson did well, but was awake the entire flight. I actually got to chat with the girl across from me who had a son about the same age. She even kept an eye on Ella while I took Jameson to the bathroom. I’ll have you know, I have never been in an airplane bathroom until this flight. Of all the times I have flown, I have remained in my seat. This flight, we went twice. Those are not made for a mother helping her child go potty… they’re really small.

We got off the plane, and Kevin was there to greet us. Both kids were so excited along with a tired Mom. Ella had been teething the entire trip and hardly ate or slept through the night. Both kids were ready to be home in their own beds. And that was our last minute vacation.