Month: October 2010

Seat drops and donkey kicks

 - by Brittany

(August 18th)

Jameson finished up his gymnastics class. By the last day, he was really starting to listen to his teachers. He’s a funny kid in that he really wants to go up until we get to the door. Then he freaks out, and starts crying. His teacher has to pull him into the class, and then within 5 minutes he’s fine again. Don’t ask me. He does the same thing for nursery. He’s excited until we sing the closing song in Sacrament meeting (and he knows when it’s the closing song). Anyway… here are some videos of his last day. By the way, his class was huge this day, so he was easily distracted, and so were the teachers.

Somersaults and donkey kicks…

Seat drops and distractions. He does good until another child strays off course and then he follows. I hope that is not how it will be later in life.

Not wanting to wait in line, he skips around the room

Keeping up with the competition

While he was in his class, I went to exchange some change at the front desk for a quarter. I had told Jameson if he listened to his teacher in class he could get something from the quarter machine. A girl named Tori was at the front desk. She actually had just been helping Jameson’s class since there were so many kids that day. She asked me who my child was. When I replied that Jameson was my son she exclaimed, “Oh we love Jameson.” (Really, because Jameson’s name is always being yelled out so that he doesn’t get distracted and run off.)  Then she checked her calendar to see if Michael was teaching any classes that week. In class that day, Jameson had spotted Michael and told Tori, “Look, it’s Michael.” She was surprised he even knew who Michael was. I told her how Michael had helped out once at the beginning, but Jameson loves male attention.

I told her it was his last day. She tried to talk me into signing him up for the fall session. When I told her I was going to wait till the next session started, she seemed a little disappointed, but I went back upstairs to be there when his class got out. We said good-bye to Miss Jen, who we loved!, and then headed downstairs. Tori stopped me on the way out, and told me I should sign him up for the trampoline and tumbling class. She knows how much Jameson loved the trampolines. I think everyone there does. I turned to Tori and said, “But he’s not 3. It’s a 3 year old and up class.” She stopped dead in her tracks and looked at me. “He’s not 3?”

I turned and said, “No, he’s only 2.” At this time, Tori is just staring at Jameson with the most confused look on her face. She asked, “Well, when will he be 3?” I replied, “Not till the end of November. That’s why I thought I would wait until the next term. Then he will be 3 and can do the tumbling class.” She was still looking at me with the most puzzled look. So I said, “I know. He can do lots of stuff. We have a trampoline at home. Thanks for trying, though.”

I’m not sure if she ever believed me that he wasn’t 3 yet. We left and she still had the astonished look on her face. I have this conversation a lot, by the way. Apparently, he is a really large 2 year old, and a very coordinated 2 year old.

We loved gymnastics, though, and would love to take a class from Miss Jen again. Hopefully, soon.

Getting what she wants

 - by Brittany

(August 14th)

Ella is slowly getting around. She is starting to roll really well. She got a hold of Jameson’s balloon…

And then got to her book…

While I shower or need to get things done, she is placed in her exersaucer. That way, I know Jameson can’t hurt her, and she can’t roll somewhere where she’ll get hurt, like under the rocking chair. She loves it.

As you can hear, if Jameson isn’t getting attention, he will create a way to. He doesn’t like it when the focus is on Ella and not him.

While Kevin was letting me sleep in, he took these

Two minds are better than one

 - by Brittany

The boys had a blast playing together the rest of our time there. They were either best friends or fighting. I don’t think there was an in between. They didn’t like the fact they couldn’t get to the pool. There was a table outside set up from a party. You know, one of the buffet tables that are 2ft by 8ft. Don was outside, and watched these two in action. So, here’s what happened…

Aiden and Jameson are outside riding bikes. They can’t get to Papa Don on the other side of the fence, who is sitting by the pool. Aiden spies the table. He starts pulling the table to the gate entrance. Jameson sees what he’s doing, and without any conversation between them, their operation has started. Jameson is pushing and Aiden is pulling. They get the table to the gate latch. Their next problem… both try, but neither can pull themselves up onto the table. Without a word, Jameson has the bike he was riding next to the table. He uses the bike as a stool, and hoist himself onto the table. Aiden follows. Triumphantly, the two stand on the table, open the latch, and pull on the gate. BUT…. the gate doesn’t open.

Don was smart enough to have the gate open away from the pool. Therefore, by pulling the table over, they actually blocked the gate from opening. Smart man. If it would have been me, I would have had the gate open the opposite direction. That would have allowed the boys access to the pool in this instance.

So, two little boys were pulled off a table, with their hopes shattered. Don’t let them fool you, though. They’re pretty dang smart.

One time I went outside to check on the boys, and couldn’t find them. I checked the pool, and thank goodness, they weren’t there. I finally found them. Here…

I was upstairs and in the reflection in the mirror, I could see a guy in the backyard. It looked like he had full sleeve tattoos. I was trying to figure out who the heck it was. Imagine my surprise when it was Weston…

Apparently it was seniors pain the steps day before school starts. Really, it was seniors paint each other.

We left Tuesday night, and headed back to Kevin. We had such a fun trip, but were so glad to be going home to Kevin and cooler weather.

Soaking up the Vitamin D

 - by Brittany

Saturday, we got to go out on the boat, and soak up more sunshine. Jameson has never been a fan of the boat, but this trip, that changed. He didn’t mind the noise, and loved to ride “the little boat.” He covered his ears while on the jet ski, but didn’t want to get off.

I think children under 3 almost outnumbered adults. I was so glad to have so many helping hands on the boat, so I could actually get in the water.

This was Ella’s spot. We finally have a baby girl to put the pink life vest on. I think all the boys have pictures in the pink life vest. Avery was even helping out.

I heard Jameson was really concerned while I was waking boarding. Every time I fell gracefully let go of the rope to take a break, he would get all nervous that the boat wasn’t going to turn around and come get me. After my last fall, which really hurt, I was chilling in the water. Jameson had had enough of me being in the water away from him, and he pretty much jumped over the edge of the boat. My mom grabbed him last second, and made sure he got into my arms. After a minute, I told them to throw me a life jacket for him. I can swim, but not that well.

We snacked and relaxed on the boat.

Then it was time for the tube to come out. Weston has a little too much fun on that tube. By the way, he is not a good flag holder. There were too many times someone was in the water with no flag up. Not cool when you’re the one in the water.

We had such a fun time, and the kids did really well.


 - by Brittany

(August 6th)

Jameson had some cousins waiting to play with him at my mom’s. She made these boxes for each of them. They each had their own Cars and Toy Story box to watch their movies and eat their snacks in. As you can see, the preferred movie was Cars.

Hot Hot Hot

 - by Brittany

(August 1-5)

We spent the first week of August in Vegas. Please remind me next time I want to go to Vegas in August exactly how hot it is. It was ridiculous.

Monday, we got to visit Erin at work. Jameson was occupied by taking pictures of Erin. He wanted her to take pictures at the same time, which made it difficult to talk sometimes.

I think we left the mark of children in her office. A little formula on the chair, and a mess. Thanks for letting us invade your office and see you at work, Erin! Jameson loved his bag of goodies.

After our time with Erin, we got to go over to Aunt Dar’s house for Hayden’s birthday. I can’t believe he is 12! I remember when we would beg to baby sit him, and then, we would finally get to only to have him cry the whole time. Well, that’s not true. Who ever he would stop crying for, that person is the only person who could hold him the whole time. He wouldn’t go to anyone else. So if you were the lucky one he stopped crying for, it was lots of fun.

Jameson wanted to help blow out the candles, so I think we lit some more.

And, Ella got to meet Aunt Dar.

We had a great time, and ate some yummy cake. I’m glad we were in town and able to celebrate with Hayden on his birthday.

Tuesday, Christina came over with the kids, and Grandma let us go swimming. She entertained the babies, and watched after them till they joined us in the pool. For as long as I can remember, Grandma has sat by the edge of the pool, watching us swim. It doesn’t matter how hot it is, she never complains, and doesn’t even care when she gets splashed.

That night we went to Erin’s for dinner. She made us some yummy pasta, and even invited visitors. Her mom and Marc came to see us, too. Erin also bought Ella a fabulous tutu we had to immediately put on her.

We had a great time, and then got back to Grandma’s and got ready for bed.

These two are actually becoming friends.

Wednesday, we got up and met Christina and Jenna at the park. It had a splash pad, but no grass. The “no planting grass” in Vegas just makes it extra hot. I think it was 108 degrees that day. Preston was worn out after running around, and decided to get warm by laying on the cement.

Kayden and Jameson found a shady spot to eat their snacks.

By noon, it was way to hot to stay outside. We headed over to Jenna’s to play for the afternoon. I stopped by McDonald’s to pick up lunch and a smoothie. Let me tell you, their Berry smoothie was my only saving grace on this trip. I haven’t had one since, but on those hot days in Utah and Vegas, it was delicious. I highly recommend them.

After giving the babies some naps, we went swimming at Jenna’s neighbor’s. Jameson really got into swimming on this trip. He actually ventured out into the pool where he couldn’t touch, and could swim around. I wasn’t so sure, since he just had floaties. He doesn’t quite get that you have to get your legs behind you and then kick. He did awesome, though.

Laura was practicing snorkeling for her trip.

We had so much fun with them. I really wish we got to see them more. After swimming, we headed back to Grandma’s. We took some naps, and then met Dad and Weston for dinner. After dinner, we went and checked out Dad’s apartment. Jameson loved the shark head dad got him. I think it was broke before we even left that night.

Thursday morning we got all ready to leave. Weston and his friend, Ethan, came to pick us up. After some spectacular packing by Weston and me (mostly Weston), we got everything in the truck. The kids did great on our drive, and we made it to Sacramento around bedtime. When we got there, we found a new gate being installed around the pool. Thank you Don and everyone else for installing that. It took a lot of stress away, knowing the pool was blocked off.

We had a great time in Vegas… even if it was ridiculously hot.