
6 Month Already

 - by Brittany

(September 1)

I think time goes faster with each child you have. Ella has already hit 6 months. Today she weighed in at 17.5 pounds. She hasn’t had her appointment yet, so I don’t know all her stats, but I did step on the scale with her. At this point she loves to blow raspberries. This doesn’t help when I am constantly getting after Jameson for spitting and then Ella turns around and spits. So now they spit at each other and laugh. She rolls all over, can roll both ways, and even turns herself around. She is starting to scoot to things, but not quite an army crawl yet. Ella demands attention. When she’s done playing or tired of something she starts “talking.” It’s more of a yell to tell us she’s done. She is eating more solids and even some rice cakes.

At the current moment, we are dealing with our first round of sickness, thrush. That’s why her mouth is purple in the pictures, it’s the medicine she’s taking for it. She is still waking up once during the night, but that’s getting later and later, or earlier depending how you look at it. Hopefully soon, we can make it completely through the night. I have a hard time letting her cry it out, though, because of everything she went through the first few weeks of life. I guess I feel guilty for what she had to go through, and don’t want to cause her to suffer any more. I know crying it out for a few nights will only benefit both of us in the end, but I can’t bring myself to do it yet.

Anyway. She is a healthy and happy girl now, with cheeks I can’t get enough of. She loves her brother and laughs at him all day. He on the other hand only likes her sometimes. He’s getting better, though, wanting to play with her more and hold her once in a while. He loves her treats, too. I can’t get enough of these two.

Getting what she wants

 - by Brittany

(August 14th)

Ella is slowly getting around. She is starting to roll really well. She got a hold of Jameson’s balloon…

And then got to her book…

While I shower or need to get things done, she is placed in her exersaucer. That way, I know Jameson can’t hurt her, and she can’t roll somewhere where she’ll get hurt, like under the rocking chair. She loves it.

As you can hear, if Jameson isn’t getting attention, he will create a way to. He doesn’t like it when the focus is on Ella and not him.

While Kevin was letting me sleep in, he took these

A growing family

 - by Brittany

Our family hasn’t all been in the same place at the same time in a while. So during the 24 hours our time overlapped at the cabin, we took some family pictures.

Trying to get a picture with the grandkids…

And a little man love…

4 Months Already

 - by Brittany

Ella at 4 months old


I’m sorry, I don’t care what you think. I think this is the cutest baby girl I’ve ever seen. Ella is now 4 months old. Her stats at this point (which were actually done on 6/17/2010) are as follows:

Height: 2′ 0.09″  which is 60.82%

Weight: 14 lbs 9.5 oz which is 84.41%

Head Circumference: 40.2 cm or 15.83″ which is 41.47%

She is growing great and can now eat solids. She is trying really hard to roll over and gets about 95% of the way over. She is starting to belly laugh and smiles all the time. And since I’m writing this post about 2 months after the fact, I can’t remember what else I was going to write about her at 4 months.

Tonight, I looked outside and found my boys like this…

They were looking for birds in the trees. I love these two, and I love watching Jameson trying to be just like his dad. Notice how he lays with his arms under his head? He loves his daddy.

He’s so funny

 - by Brittany

(June 18th)

Ella is finally starting to pay attention to her toys. I can lay her on the floor, and her octopus will keep her entertained. Well, for a few minutes, at least. 

She also thinks her dad is really funny. Here she is when she first started to actually laugh.

Ella at 12 weeks

 - by Brittany

Ella is now 12 weeks old (technically she hit 12 weeks Monday.) So I’m a little behind posting this. She has really started to smile and talk with us. She has a “laugh” but not a giggle yet. Most of the time she falls asleep around 9, I’ll feed her around 11:00, and then she’ll wake up around 4 am for another feeding. After that she will sleep till about 6:45, eat then play for about an hour, and then sleep till around 10 am. It’s nice that she goes down for a morning nap so early except that Jameson wakes up about the time she falls asleep. She has recently found her fist, and loves to suck on them.

Her hair is starting to lighten. Her roots have turned blond. When she gets a little bit more hair, I will have to cut some to save to show the two different colors on one strand. Ella is starting to play in her bouncer or on the floor mat with the toys hanging over her. She will be entertained for about 20 minutes before getting upset. She doesn’t really cry a lot, it’s more of a cry to let you know she wants something. So it’s not loud, or constant, but little cries here and there. She is kind of demanding with those cries, though. She loves to be held, and doesn’t like to be alone. She will cry if she can’t see anyone. She also wants to be sitting up to see things. If she is laying down and can’t see, she will let out one of her little cries. She has a sad face and poutty lip that can compete with Jameson’s.

Jameson still doesn’t really care for his sister all that much. When new people come he wants to point her out and show them, so that is an improvement. He will be nice to her only if we’re “not” watching. Once in a while he will give her a kiss. He will also play with her on very rare occasions. He gets close enough to her so when she kicks or moves her hands it hits him. Then he yells to me, “Ahh! Mom, baby sister’s getting me.” I don’t know if he’s playing or trying to get her in trouble, but either way, it’s pretty funny. I tried to get pictures of them taken this week, and I think the only picture he is in with her was because he was in time out and we put her on the grass in front of him. We’ll see what turns out.

Here is Ella tonight, talking with her daddy…