Who won?

 - by Brittany

I’ve made a few more boards the past few days. One was for a girl I visit teach (as women in the church, we visit each other and check on each other) and the other is for the girls camp fundraiser for church. Yes, I know, I spelled Nauvoo wrong. That’s what happens when you’re trying to craft and your kids keep interrupting you. I knew it looked wrong, but it took someone else pointing out what was wrong to figure it out. I’ll fix it later.

These were done with partial color pictures. I’m still testing out different types of pictures, but I thought they still looked good.

So, remember how I said I would make you one? Loved your jokes. I used random generator and…

True Random Number Generator
That means that comment #7 WINS!
So, Lynnette, let me know what picture you want, because you were comment #7! I’ll send you and email to get details. 🙂


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