Our innocence was taken.

 - by Brittany

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Today, as I look at msn.com, I can’t help but think of what happened on this day 10 years ago. One day, I will explain to my children my thoughts about this day. For now, I enjoy our freedom in this great country. We remember that freedom isn’t free, and give thanks to all those who serve and sacrifice for me every day. I watch, as my cousin moves as her husband trains in different parts of the country, with admiration. I hear about my other cousin who just returned home after a year of deployment, and am thankful for his safe return. We each have stories to tell, and I thank these people and their families for all they do. Just as I ask my grandparents about WWII and what they were doing, I will be asked one day about September 11th and what I was doing. I hope I can tell my feelings and give these heroes the glory they deserve for their acts of service that day.

So, thank you, for all you do to protect this country and our lives each day.

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