Shhh… it’s quiet.

 - by Brittany

We can now enjoy the last 2 hours of church. Which means, Ella is 18 months! She had her first official week in nursery today, where I dropped her off and left as soon as she was distracted. This is unlike the last 2 weeks, where I sat in nursery with her. Jameson is a sunbeam, and Ella is now an official nursery attendee, which leaves my arms free free for the last 2 hours of church.

She does not like to be interrupted while eating. She and Jameson are starting to become good friends.


She has big blue eyes, which allow her to get whatever she wants. She can hold her own in a fight. It’s not surprising that she is constantly fighting with Jameson over toys. What is surprising, is that she wins. She doesn’t have a lot of words, but is as loud as Jameson. Her few words are:

Shoes (pretty clear)


Ma (always yelled)

hi (includes waves)

Bye (includes waves)

Hi Da (these two must be said together. Otherwise, Da is not said.)

She can shake her head “no” all the time, but when she shakes her head “yes” it is very deliberately done.

She will put her hand out and summon you to come to her.

She can count 1,2,3 except that she doesn’t say the numbers but has the connotation and influx in her voice. So really, only I know that she is counting. She also has a word for fish, but I don’t know what it is. I can tell when she says it, but it is not really a word. She sings and dances in the car and at church. She is also starting to pay attention to the tv. I know it sounds bad, but hallelujah! Ella loves her blanket that my mom made in college. Only problem is that the material is starting to disintegrate. She still loves a bottle for bedtime, and guards her binkis. I guess we need to start working on those.

This girl is full of life and demands her own attention. She will not take orders, but will do things in her own time. Oh, how I am getting paid back. We love her with all our hearts, though, and could not imagine life without her.

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