Let it snow

 - by Brittany

We finally made it to Snowflake Lane Thursday night. They play music, have toy drummers playing along, have a “snowfall”, and have characters walking the streets of downtown Bellevue. We thought we left in enough time, but got caught in the traffic. The whole time the drummers were playing, we were making our way to find our friends. It was ok, though, because the characters were walking the streets, so we followed them. Jameson couldn’t take his eyes off the drummers, even for a picture.

Ella just watched everything.

We finally made it to our friends and watched the end of the show. Jameson was so excited to find Woody and Jesse (if you need a translation, check here.)

Brittany M. took pictures of all of us.

After the show, we headed into the Microsoft building for some hot chocolate. We went up to the 28th floor, only to find a Christmas party going on that we were severely dressed wrongly for. As one woman got off the a different elevator in her tight strapless black dress, she looked at us and all of our kids like we were just awful. A few of the kids got in the door before we could stop them. Once they were all gathered up, we headed down to a different floor. We always have so much fun with this group. Jameson had to show how cool he was.

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