Heritage Makers

 - by Brittany

I am an Independent Consultant for a digital scrapbooking company. I figured since most blog users are computer literate, what better place to advertise. This is a great company that offers professional products to cherish your memories; books, posters, calendars, cards, postcards, etc. You can use simple designs and layouts, or you can make your book look like you’ve spent hours at your craft table cutting and pasting. The best part is, with digital cameras so popular, you just upload your pictures to their website and pick which ones you would like to use. No need to print them just to stick in a box for later scrapbooking. You can work on your project from anywhere not just at home! If you want more information you can visit my website www.hmkeepsake.com, email me at brittany@hmkeepsake.com, or leave a comment. I’m excited to work with this company and wanted to share!

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