The Crab Pot

 - by Brittany

Wednesday we found out Kevin’s parents were coming for a visit this weekend. We made the mistake of telling Jameson “Papa” was coming. He got so excited, and we realized a 2 year old doesn’t understand “in a couple of days.” We told him he had to go to sleep first. So Thursday morning I went in to get him after I heard the, “Moooommmm?!” yell coming from his room. I walked in, he looked up and asked, “Papa come?” Sorry kid. One more day. So yesterday I didn’t bring it up, and we waited till after his nap today to remind him Papa was coming. Kevin’s parents got here about 5:30, and Jameson couldn’t wait.

We showed them around our little place, then got coats and headed out for dinner. We ended up eating at the Crab Pot which sits on a little lake, litterally. The place is on stilts over the water. It’s more like a pond, really. Anyways, it was delicious. Basically, they bring you a pot of seafood, dump it on the table, and you have at it.

Jameson loved to help all of us crack the crab shells.


He was also fond of playing with the clam shells, and making them bite things. He was really good at the restaurant, thanks in part to Grammy’s farm app on her iphone.

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It was delicious. Even Jameson’s chicken wings were good. We’ll see what the rest of the weekend brings.

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